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-» HeroClix » Why Classic?

 Hi, we're the Real Gamers! Formed in 2011, we've been playing various tabletop games on a weekly basis and discovered HeroClix in 2016. We immediately fell in love with it and subsequently introduced many new players to the game. When the 2017 rules were announced, we welcomed them! To further our excitement, WizKids promised the community that A) they would update previous character cards to fully work with the new 2017 rules and B) release a compendium of previous rules that were ommitted, such as Sharpshooter and Relics. Great news!

 Spoiler: Neither ever happened.

 And after years of begging WizKids to come out with proper starter sets to help grow the community, they finally released four or five starters in 2020! But then, just six months later, WizKids announced the 2021 rules. So, not only were the rules packaged inside these brand-new starters immediately made obsolete, but the new rules themselves created several game-breaking issues with anything pre-2021:

 1. The removal of Indomitable means all previously released figures with it are now overcosted by an estimated 5-15 points.

 2. The standardization of the striped shield symbol (Indomitable) across all 2021+ figures means they would all have Indomitable in prior rules and would be undercosted by an estimated 5-15 points.

 3. Fast or rage characters such as Flash or Hulk that had Willpower via Indomitable simply don't have it anymore. This effectively means a normal human character with Willpower could move more often than a superhero. Can you imagine Carnage being outmaneuvered by a civilian?

 4. The removal of Pushing Damage ruins the risk versus reward aspect of the game, not to mention many strategies and figures dependent on damaging themselves have become useless.

 5. WizKids stated they would be "benching" about 25% of the powers. While this meant the powers would still exist in the PAC for pre-2021 figures, it also meant upcoming sets wouldn't have them. They claimed it was to make the game easier to learn for beginners, but then proceeded to add more confusing set-based mechanics like Rally.

 6. Presumably, in an attempt to incorporate shrinkflation, they decided to make maps smaller. This means less maneuverability, and also that ranged characters start closer to melee characters.

 7. The ranges of powers were reduced, which means ranged characters now have to get closer to melee characters.

 8. WizKids has declared the end of dial secrecy: If asked, you must now show your opponent the full dial of a character via the back of the 2017/2021 character card.  And remember how they said they would update the pre-2017 figures to match the new rules? Well now they're doing it for the 2021 rules via Legacy cards, except you basically have to pay for them. Want to use that 2012 figure with its 2021 rules? Give them more money! You essentially have to rebuy the figure now.

 On top of all this, they re-scaled 2021+ figures to be larger, promising better paintjobs and details. This has proven to be a lie.

 Well, we decided we weren't going to put up with the soft invalidation of our collections. Like with Dungeons & Dragons, there's literally zero reason anyone has to move on to the next edition. We're going to take a stand and continue playing with the 18-ish years worth of figures available. So for those unwilling to give in to Stockholm syndrome with WizKids, we've created a repository of everything you need to keep playing the 2017/2018 rules.

 We're also going to try to fix some pre-2017 characters by creating "Suggested Erratas" - and for that we need your help! Why depend on developers to make arbitrary rules decisions in secret when we as a community can peer-review and perfect the rules ourselves?



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