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-» Zombicide » Scenarios » Ride or Die

"After successfully launching the nukes against the zombie super spawn, now we need to GTFO! Find the keys to the cars with enough fuel to get out of the blast zone!"

Pull the levers to unlock the doors to the mechanics and grab the keys for the escape cars then drive to the exit.

35-tile city. Standard/grey, toxic, berserk, skinner, and seeker zombies were used, including their respective abominations. Only unique sculpts for abominations are allowed, so we could spawn up to eight standard and two skinner abominations. We also included two Driller abominations, a Stomper abomination (renamed Rhino), and a repurposed Terralisk from Shadows of Brimstone to be the Tunneler abomination.

SIDE QUESTS (all new!):
For this event we had two optional quests.

The first was to loot a stick of dynamite and take it to a spawn point in the middle of the map to destroy it.

The second was a pinball-inspired minigame, which players can spend 1 action to play a game of pinball. The rules were simple: The player rolls 3d6 (a die for each ball) and tries to get a 12 or higher. On the roll of a 1, that ball is lost and the 1 is negated entirely. On the roll of a 6, you get to roll another d6 and add it to your total. As long as a 12+ is achieved, the player wins the key to the armory and can loot it as if it's a pimpmobile, becomes the Pinball Wizard (and gets a fancy wizard hat for the player to wear), and... the arcade tile explodes, pushing the character 1 zone away and spawning an all-new super abomination, the Tunneler. If a roll of 24+ was achieved, the player was also awarded a pair of Pit Fighter Gloves from Black Plague.

The tower costs one interact action to climb up/down. Characters on it are removed from line of sight, and can target diagonally.

Cars can now fit up to 5 passengers but are limited on movements. The first time they're entered, the player rolls 2d6 to see how many movements it gets before running out of gas, popping a tire, the engine seizes, etc.

The Humvee only gets 1d6 + 1 movement and has a maximum capacity of three (1 driver, 1 passenger, 1 gunner). The turret can be operated by the gunner with the following profile: 1-4 range, 5 dice, 4+ accuracy, and 3 damage.

The Drillers can only be killed by Molotovs, inflict 3 damage, and move 2 zones.

The Rhino can only be killed by Molotovs, moves 2 zones, and can break down doors. It cannot make 90* turns mid-charge, though.

The Tunneler can only be killed by Molotovs, moves to the manhole closest to the most sound tokens, and makes a range 0-1 attack.

Each of the 5 blue points on the map are a lever. Two of them award the key to a mechanic's door. Three of them will spawn super abominations - the Drillers first and second, randomly in one of 2 spawn points, and the Rhino last, within the crashed helicopter.

Cars were explode-able for this mission. It cost 1 interact action to prime a tripwire car bomb. After zombies stop in that zone, the car detonates as a Molotov and the car is removed from the board permanently.



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