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-» Zombicide » Scenarios » Evacuate Earth

"On the return trip from colonizing Mars, our spaceship wasn't met by refuellers in orbit, forcing us to perform an emergency planetfall. To our surprise and horror, we found the planet ravaged by a zombie apocalypse, with only a handful of survivors remaining. Now we have to band together, refuel the ship, and Evacuate Earth!"

Find the four power supply units (PSUs) and get to the evac point.

35 tiles, all modern zombies (including three standard abominations, two skinner abominations, a toxic abomination, and a berserker abomination), four cherry-picked Invader abominations (xenium horror, driller, stomper, and widowmaker), and two turrets and two robots. Both modern survivors (75+) and Invader heroes (61+) were available to play.

Towers cost 1 interact action to climb up or down. Characters on them are removed from line of sight, and can target diagonally.

Cars are limited on movements. The first time they're entered by a character, a player has to roll 2d6 to see how many moves a car can make before it runs out of gas, the engine seizes, the tires deflate, etc.

Ultrared weapons can only be drawn by destroying a machine (you basically rip its weapon off). Or by searching a zone in which a machine was destroyed.

Soldiers (Invader) can only search police cars, armories, and the gun shop. They also only draw from Invader's weapons cards.

On the board there are eight triple-blind objectives (I wrote the numbered cards, my girlfriend numbered the underside of the objectives, and a third person placed them on the board). Four are the correct PSUs that will also trigger a random Invader abomination spawn. The other four randomly activate one of the four machines.

All machines were given 3 damage, 3 wounds, and 4 shots. The two turrets were given 1-4 range and the two robots were given 0-3 range. All machines follow the target priority list, zombie targeting logic, and each zombie counts as a noise token (just like survivors). This means the machines were a fully-integrated third faction!



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