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-» Zombicide » Scenarios » Extraction or Extinction


There are eight face-down loot cards scattered across the board within buildings - four are survivors and four are Aaahh! skinner cards. To flip a card is a search action. When populating buildings, do not populate the rooms containing potential survivors.

All players start within the helicopter on the helipad. If your character has the Fast Roping skill, you may start the game anywhere on the board so long as it's in a street zone.

When two or more players are in the same zone, they ignore each other for target priority purposes.

For each unique survivor permanently placed within the extraction helicopter, the team will receive a single-use air strike which can be one of the following:
     Strafing Run
A nearby military jet is called in to clear a path for the survivors. Along a straight street, each actor in a targeted zone receives 2 damage on a 2+. Buildings end the path. This effect occurs before the first player starts his/her turn.
A nearby attack helicopter is called in to focus-fire a small area with missiles. All actors within the targeted street zone are killed as if hit by a Molotov. This effect occurs after the last player's turn but before the zombies' phase.

Two new tiles feature pits. Although the rulebook doesn't state who gets the XP for zombies falling to their demise, I've ruled that since they're basically lemmings on their own turn that nobody gets it. The only exceptions are using the pits in combination with the "Push" or "Taunt" skills, which happen on a specific player's turn.

The two sniper towers and the helipad all grant vantage points. By climbing into them, you are removed from the zombies' line of sight. You do, of course, still count as a noise token.

If you jump into an abandoned car during the apocalypse, there's a good chance it doesn't have a full tank of gas. Or freshly changed oil. Or inflated tires. Whatever the case, cars can be unreliable. The first time a player enters the driver's seat of a car, they roll 2D6. The total number is the amount of movements a car can make before dying. All cars (except the Muscle Car) already have the 2 Zones Per Movement skill, so if you roll a 4 and a 6, the car can make 10 movements (up to 20 zones!).

The helicopter is manned by a nameless pilot, who has both the Ninja and Medic skills. Because the pilot has no turns of his own, you may freely interact with him to receive healing.

The helicopter remains stationary until a player enters the helicopter and acts as a co-pilot, helping direct the pilot to another location. This requires an action, unless you have the Pilot skill. (There are only two landing zones on the map - the helipad and the open street.)



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